Thursday, December 12, 2013

Good luck on the final!

And remember...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Exam revision

Here's some more practice problems for you to try: one exam from 2010, and another compilation from earlier than that (note: there is an error in Q38, the formula should be C4H8O, not C4H10O.

I recorded myself solving the compilation. The picture is a little fuzzy and the sound not great, but if you get stuck on a particular question and want to know how I got the answer, just skip through the video until you find it. I went through problems at roughly 1/minute. I circled the wrong answer in Q4 AND Q7 (the answers are right in the key); sorry! See how easy it is to make silly mistakes when you're rushing?

Dr Briggs reports that answers to old exams are not posted for any course. I am of course happy to answer any questions you have during the review session, office hours, etc.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Exam, review sessions, office hours

Important info about the final.

There will be three review sessions. They are all open to any Chemistry 101 students.

Tuesday December 10 - 10:00am to 11:30am in Bob Wright Sci B150 (Dr. McIndoe)
Wednesday December 11 - 10:00am to 11:30am in MacLaurin A144 (Dr. Briggs)
Thursday December 12 - 10:00am to 11:30am in MacLaurin A144 (Dr. McIndoe)

My remaining office hours are Dec 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 from 3-4 in Elliott 307.

Good luck!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

iClicker registration

A few of you have not yet successfully registered your iclickers:

Students in Section A01 (MR 1300):
agillesp aheiter ashkan bythesea cmhof daximos denders dhewison fjgirard freemanj giannott halajian halleon hwikim kieras krix liamp luked moniquej moseszvs ncotejac pilatop ryderhoy sshtein tallaric theeruha wallis wkuun wootton4 xcsolis

Students in Section A02 (TWF 0930):

amyllyko ankitas aturvey chishiki dcporter dhamelin elianab iainreid jasmine1 mackaybr mattbian megancht mfdoom nagisa86 nishado pji raunaq rsdale 

If your NetlinkID appears on the list above, please go here to register your clicker. That will match up the responses you've already given this term with your clicker to your student ID.